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From: worthing eco-action (
Date: Sun, 11 Nov 2007 17:55:37 +0000
Subject: Titnore news plus events

Titnore planning application update

The following important update to the Titnore planning application situation was tucked away in this week's (November 8) Worthing Herald (on page 40!) -

"The borough council revealed this week that a revised planning application for the massive scheme was expected to be received from the developers' consortium within a couple of weeks. James Appleton, the council's assistant director (planning services) said the first application was submitted three years ago. Since then, it had been necessary to prepare a new environmental-impact statement, including effects on traffic and woodland. He said West Sussex County Council did not now require the straightening of Titnore Lane, and this meant more than 150 trees would be saved. Mr Appleton said work could start towards the end of next year if the application could be approved reasonably quickly. Asked what would then happen to the anti-development tree protesters in Durrington woods, Mr Appleton said that would be up to whoever owned the land at that time."

Message from Protect Our Woodland!

Dear Friends and Supporters,

As you may know the Inquiry into setting up of a South Downs National Park is to be reopened following the out-cry caused by the Inspectors recommendation to exclude numerous areas.

On Tuesday 11 December 2007 there is to be a pre-inquiry meeting in Hove Town Hall Norton Road Hove where arrangements for the reopened Inquiry, due to start in February 2008, will be discussed.

What we, The South Downs Campaign and the other campaigning groups are hopping for is as many Park supporters as possible attend this pre-inquiry meeting. It’s vitally important to show very visibly the overwhelming support there is for inclusion of areas that at present are excluded from the Park. In our case that means the Ancient Woodland east of Titnore Lane and Castle Goring together with its parkland. There is also of course the Western Weald and the water meadows at Arundel.

Will you please make a note in your diary to gather outside Hove Town Hall with colourful banners etc at 1pm for TV filming and photo call. Please also remember that every person who turns up increases our chance of saving the Titnore area from the bulldozer, so bring a friend.

Coming Events

Tuesday December 11

Save Titnore Woods!
Protest outside South Downs National Park pre-inquiry meeting, Hove Town Hall, Norton Road, Hove. 1pm.


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