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Newsletter 5 - 03.08.2007


The Hereford Journal carried a misleading story this week. This was made worse by someone sending an unauthorised email to a number of people claiming that the Council were to resume road construction in the vicinity of the Ribbon.

The Council, both by way of a motion passed and statements from the Leader and relevant cabinet member, have made clear that no irreversible action will happen until there have been a series of steps that will take several weeks. The message is still that all options are open. These words have been agreed with the Council.

Getting to this point has been quite an achievement and we now want to take advantage of the time gained by expanding the campaign into positive areas.

Hereford City Council are backing the Campaign !!

Here is a Press release from the City Council. We are particularly delighted that they have called for an independent assessment -

The Rotherwas Ribbon

The City Council discussed this important local issue at its meeting on 31 July. It is clear that this is a significant archaeological find that has stimulated interest locally, nationally and internationally. However, it is also clear that the full extent of the site and its importance has yet to be fully assessed.

The City Council asks that Herefordshire Council continue to do its best to preserve in situ the site until further investigations are complete. The City Council also urges Herefordshire Council to commission a full and independent archaeological assessment of the site and that report be made public.

Cllr Anna Toon, leader of Hereford City Council said "We recognise that this is a really interesting find and trust that Herefordshire Council will put in place proper protection for this ancient site. Until the archaeologists have done their job and that we all know both the extent of the site and how best to protect it for future generations, we hope that work on that part of the road will cease".

Comedy Corner

Some readers will recall that a member of the Majority group on the County Council (a self-appointed amateur archaeologist) told the Council Meeting that he thought a "pile of broken ceramics had got washed down the hillside".

An internationally distinguished real Archaeologist, who has visited the site, observed that a pile of ceramics of this size with an extraordinary ability to independently organise their eventual location in a manner that could normally only be explained by human intervention would make this a "find" of even greater rarity than anyone has suggested so far!

Ribbon Ribbons

Can we have some volunteers who will manufacture "Ribbons" at home. Materials will be supplied and we get donations from people who take one to wear.

Also, does any one know a shop, café, pub or other outlet that might be prepared to take some ribbons.

Time and Money

We need offers of administrative and secretarial help, IT help and, of course money.

Offers of time to myself, Bob Clay 01432 270105

Donations to our Treasurer -

Peter Cocks
34, St Clare's Court
Lower Bullingham
Hereford HR2 6PY

more info at

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