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Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 10:10:26 +0000
Subject: NEWS - Illegal eviction of tree camp

Blackwood Tree Camp - Illegal Eviction In progress

For up to date news and quotes please contact local resident Ken on 01495 227280 or Boris (currently in a tree on the camp) on 0770 8420446

23.3.04 / 08.00 - for immediate use

The Blackwood tree camp set up to stop a bypass to a bomb factory in S.Wales is being illegally evicted at this very moment. At 5.30 this morning police and Sheriff's men illegally entered the camp and started to clear protesters. Local people have started a legal process to force the police and under-sheriff to recognise that the eviction is in contempt of court since a case is awaiting a hearing in the High Court in Cardiff. (1)

The camp near Newport has been there for seven weeks with over 50 people living in tree houses and down tunnels. It was set up by local people to stop the building of a bypass road by Costain to a weapons factory that is due to start making parts for US tanks and military helicopters. (2)

Costain is already being investigated by police for criminal offences relating to negligent destruction of protected wildlife on the Blackwood Bypass site. (3)

Boris who lives on-site says "This is an illegal eviction, it is totally appalling that the police are just standing by and letting this go on!". The protesters are suing the under-sheriff and Costain for conspiracy to cause criminal damage, assault, and burglary.

Editor's Notes

(1) A possession order for the site was granted by Blackwood County Court, but oveturned the following week in the High Court of Justice in London.

(2) The road will link several arms factories, including GEC who manufacture jet engines for military planes, and General Dynamics who are involved in tanks, Apache helicopters, nuclear submarines, destroyers and assault vehicles, as well as the development of C4ISTAR - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance, Target Acquisition and Reconnaissance.

(3) Costain are being investigated by the South Wales Constabularly under the Countryside and Wildlife Act 1981 for destruction of bat habitat, bats and dormice - which are protected species under European Legislation.

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