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From: "SchNEWS"
Date: Sat, 11 Jul 1998 11:46:19 +0000
Subject: SchNEWS 172/173, 24 June 1998


The sign on the entrance to Ashton Court Park says "You are visiting a beautiful and peaceful park.Help keep it that way so that everyone can enjoy it." So what do North Somerset Council do? They give planning permission for the extension of Pioneer Aggregates' Durnford Quarry into 20 acres of the park!

So how come a park given in 1959 to the people of Bristol, under the condition 'that no part of it should be set aside for works which detract from its value as a recreation ground or prejudice the enjoyment of the people' is gonna be park excavated for minerals? The quarrying will destroy a wildflower meadow containing rare flowers as well as nesting skylarks, foraging bats and badgers and Pioneer plan to spend#1 million on 'translocation' - scooping up the topsoil and moving it somewhere more convenient.

So people decided to set up a camp in nearby woods. However, the protestors point out the campaign "is not about hippies in the woods getting sentimental over a bunch of flowers. It is about local people fighting for their open space, it is about the continued unnecessary extraction of non renewable resources, our undemocratic planning system.....It is about changing the world".

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