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Date: 30 Mar 2004 10:50:27 -0000
Subject: [noroads] Digest Number 39

Subject: Blackwood Eviction

Bailiffs and climbers moved in to evict the tree camps at Blackwood at about 5.30am last Tuesday. Due to various factors (100 m.p.h winds the previous week having badly damaged treehouses etc, quick turnover of people so that the new arivals didn't know where all the defences were...) the middle camp was taken quickly. However, the first camp held out all day, with protesters holding the tunnel, net, walkways, treehouses and a free-climbed tree, until scab climbers either forcibly removed them or cut off their escape routes. The cops took a low key role, and arrests were only for breach of the peace. The following day, one person was nicked for a public order offence, having allegedly egged the Sherrif!

Baillifs kept the site on 24 hour guard to secure it ready for destruction.

The third and smallest camp was supposedly being left alone due to its status as habitat for bats and hibernating doormice. It was, however, evicted and trashed on day 2.

The eviction was believed to be illegal, due to an appeal process under way. I don't know what legal moves are to be made next. There is still stuff to be done there in terms of activism: the camps' living areas are intact as they are on private, off-route land, and machines are working all over the place, but the scene is increasingly depressing.

Sorry this is such a basic report (I'm in a hurry). There is good reason to suggests that (particularly) Sherwood and 9 Ladies need to be on guard now, no matter what the legal situation.

My last thoughts on the subject: it was absolutely fucking gutting to watch that beautiful place being torn apart and chipped, but everyone there on the day, and who has been there to help in the preceding weeks, can be proud that we did everything we could to save it, and put up a bloody good fight!



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