Sufi  Music  from  Senegal

Akassa CD cover      Akassa
Hamed Kane
khin drums
zikr (zikrulah)
-  a CD of Baye Fall music (in Wolof)
-  drummer, singer and Baye Fall
-  for ceremonies celebrations and work
-  a style of chanting in praise of God
-  photos (Hamed in Europe 1997-2001)
     Hamed Kane

'Baye Fall'  -  Hamed Kane  (mp3)

Cheikh Ibrahima Fall

Cheikh Ibra Fall was born in 1856. He played a vital role in the foundation of the Mouride Community. It shaped the movement as it is known and lived today. He has shown the disciples the submission and appropriate behaviour to observe towards to Ahmadu Bamba, visionary founder and prophet of the Mouride Brotherhood in Touba.

Baye Fall

Irreproachable workers, Baye Fall is the hard-core of the Mouride Brotherhood, ready for the demanding tasks of service to their community and it is certain that their work gives to the Brotherhood a strong sense of unity and unites Baye Fall in a powerful feeling of collective obligation. The fruits of this work constitute the source of income for the community.

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